how do you think ludendorff made such an accurate prediction

Worse followed. On the other hand, your model was 75% accurate. Your gut has an accuracy level of 50% (two out of four correct). How might being more historically informed impact how you understand that issue or how you take action. Here, Betensured correct score prediction offers bettors the chance to reap huge gains even with small investments in their own stake. Ludendorff and Hitler had already parted ways by the time of the Nazi takeover of power in 1933. The deputy had done the work, but Hindenburg and Ludendorff took credit for the Battle of Tannenberg, Germanys first major victory of the war. His parents were middle-class but strongly nationalist. Videocassette tapes as we know them now will be obsolete both for showing prerecorded movies. Here are two simple ways you can encourage your child to put her prediction skills to work as a scientist. First, it was, in many ways the realization of the idea of Lebensraum that Adolf Hitlerand his Nazi Party would seek to accomplish during World War II. Even while in command, Ludendorff had told senior officers that those circles [meaning liberal politicians and their allies] must be brought into the governmentwhom we have above all to thank for having brought us to this point.. Which is the best example of customer feedback? As Hindenburgs second in command, he helped to instigate not only the defeat of Russian forces and their surrender but also the creation of a vast military state known as Ober Ost. To subscribe, click here. Run it a few times and you will also score just 29% sometimes. How can we make predictions more accurate? 3.1 Making Decisions About People Effective communication skill 1: Become an engaged listener. The prediction accuracy of solving the regression tasks in the case of processing short data sets is an important task in various fields of medicine. Nobody is perfectly calibrated; in fact, most of us are overconfident. This is an imbalanced data set, as one class has a huge majority (>85%) over the other. Presence of more data always results in more accurate model and allows the data to speak for itself than relying on assumptions.we can always ask for more data in order to improve the accuracy. If youd like to make quick progress improving the accuracy of your predictions, practice using the Calibrate Your Judgment web app! These tactical reforms represented the building blocks of modern war. how do you think ludendorff made such an accurate prediction Expert's answer "By naming Hitler as Reich chancellor, you have delivered up our holy Fatherland to one of the greatest (rabble-rousers) of all time. Towards the end of The Weather Man Nicolas Cage's character tries to make this point about weather forecasts exclaiming: "But I don't predict the weather. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Agreeableness (which is made up of 9 questions) and Emotional intelligence (which is made. He joined the German army and rose rapidly through the ranks to prestigious posts in the War Academy and German General Staff. 10 predictions that Watkins got right. "It's about taking the data that you know exists and building a mathematical model from that data to help you make predictions about somebody [or something] not yet in that data set," Goulding explains. In other fields, it can be harder to get feedback. Sriram has over 20 years of experience in designing enterprise and OEM analytical products. They can do this by identifying clues within the text to predict how characters will behave and how significant problems in the story will be solved. Ultimately, Ludendorff saw Ober Ost as a territory that could be settled and civilized, but he did not hold the same radical vision that Hitler later espoused. TTY: 202.488.0406, The Nazi Persecution of Black People in Germany, The Nazi Olympics Berlin 1936: African American Voices and "Jim Crow" America. A prediction (Latin pr-, before, and dicere, to say), or forecast, is a statement about a future event. Having more data is always a good idea. It is important to understand how. Digital colour photography. Predicting encourages children to actively think ahead and ask questions. Eventually recognizing impending defeat but unwilling to be part of it, he resigned from the army on October 26, 1918, just weeks before the armistice. His response: "You'll not go to a video store but instead order a movie on demand and then pay for it. Reading Strategy: Prediction. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. A neural network gets better and better each time it makes a prediction. They are 0 and 1 because these are the first two integers. Social psychologist Philip Tetlock, who is known for holding forecasting tournaments to test peoples ability to predict complex events, has found that the accuracy of an experts predictions actually has an inverse relationship to his or her self-confidence, renown, and depth of knowledge. Why, then, do we continue to listen to people who appear as experts on TV, get quoted in newspapers, and participate in punditry roundtables? To restore the situation in Galicia, Hindenburg, Ludendorff and Hoffmann took command of the Ninth Army, which had been scratched together from Western Front corps and much of the Eighth Army. What is feedback and why is it important? Students can also use a graphic organizer to predict the outcome of a story. If you ranges you chose are very wide, this means youre underconfident. Seek out the best upcoming football matches. Then compare the two answers with the actual outcome to determine the level of accuracy for each. In making predictions, students use critical thinking and problem solving skills. Offer an example of predicting. Disguising himself in a false beard, Ludendorff fled to Sweden to write his extraordinarily dishonest memoirs. The second message is that expert predictors developed their expertise by relying on tons of corrective feedback to shape their forecasts. Your own predictive model may be accurate in some situations and inaccurate in others. Every morning we wake up and make predictions about how the day will unfold based on past experience. Yogi Berra, the idiosyncratic baseball player known for his seemingly unintentional witticisms, once said, Its tough to make predictions, especially about the future. In your opinion, why is it so difficult for experts to predict social phenomena like elections, wars, and economics crises? Well, the. And yet, he was not an incompetent man. Answer The app contains thousands of questions - enough for many hours of calibration training - that will measure how accurate your predictions are and chart your improvement over time. Why do you think the line is made up of men only? We also did it this way in Russia. And that is precisely what the Germans, under Ludendorffs direction, did. The Russian First Army had stopped at Gumbinnen, while the Second Army rapidly advanced north. Explain your response. But predicting the outcome of events like elections is much differentand much harderbecause of their uniqueness. but in case of Nostradamus it's quite unsettling. If the . When considering whether to deploy a predictive model, your management team might ask, What is the level of accuracy? And theyre right to ask that question. When asked as much by Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria, group commander of the northern forces along the Western Front, Ludendorff testily replied: I object to the word operations. We will punch a hole into [their line]. For example, what historical inquiry skills might be important for a citizenry to have to address, Think about a challenge, opportunity, event, or issue that affects your community. The loss of ground up to date appeared to me of little importance in itself. Weve also compiled some simple tips to help you make more accurate predictions, which you can read below. Actually, I consider values between 100-95% as very good, 95%-85% as good, 85%-70% as satisfactory, 70-50% as needs to be improved. It can be useful to break down big, intractable estimations into smaller, more manageable questions. Originally published in the October 2008 issue of Military History. The Germans had launched their first unrestricted U-boat campaign in 1915. From this, information, students will be able to make a prediction with the data that they collected to confirm their answer as, Bailey, E. (2015). Having said that, we should keep in mind that incorrect predictions do not necessarily suggest faulty reasoning. Unfortunately, even here his contribution proved disastrous, as his tactical revolution enabled Germany to hold out far longer than it might have, thereby exacerbating the November 1918 collapse. Originally published in [emailprotected] on August 17, 2017. One has to wonder how history might have turned if one of the Belgians had done his job and summarily shot Ludendorff for his temerity. Ludendorff was deeply antisemitic, an early supporter of Hitler, and a high-profile supporter of the false Stab-in-the-Back theory. It allows students to use information from the text, such as titles, headings, pictures and diagrams to anticipate what will happen in the story (Bailey, 2015). The emphasis shifted from the trench lines to well-camouflaged strong points that would shield the defenders from observation and bombardment. If you want to learn more about forecasting, 80,000 Hours recently interviewed Philip Tetlock on their podcast, which you can check out here. Main telephone: 202.488.0400 What happens to atoms during chemical reaction? The most comprehensive and authoritative history site on the Internet. He became a strong supporter of the fledgling Nazi Party and of its leader, Adolf Hitler. Laypeople make predictions everyday, prognosticating on everything from sports and politics to weather and entertainment. This problem has been solved! The navy forced the issue again in the fall of 1916, however, presenting figures that suggested unrestricted submarine warfare would bring Britain, the engine of the Allied cause, to its knees. If your predictive model performs much better than your guesstimates, you know its worth moving forward with that model. Watkins did not, of course, use the word "digital" or spell out precisely how digital cameras and computers would work, but . What is a good prediction accuracy? Politically, Ludendorff continued to meddle in the Reichs internal affairs. Only the desperate intervention of Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg persuaded Kaiser Wilhelm to halt the campaign. This new doctrine rested on the concept of holding frontline positions lightly with machine gunners, with successively stronger defensive positions echeloned in depth. Adding to his woes, in mid-June the British began preparatory bombardments on the Somme. This is how, 2018 - created by, Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction. Nancy Kim, associate professor of psychology at Northeastern, studies conceptual thinking, reasoning, and decision-making. They can look at computer models, which are constantly being honed. On the Somme, British attacks were imposing huge losses on the German army. The more helpful modeling and support they get early on with this skill, the more automatic and accurate their predictions will be as they tackle harder and more complex texts. The Kriegsakademie was so rigorous that most cadets washed out of the first and second-year courses. This occupied territory became known as the Ober Ost [short for Oberbefehlshaber der gesamten Deutschen Streitkrfte im Osten, or "Supreme Commander of All German Forces in the East], after the designation for the commanders of the region. Muhammad could have made a prediction such as "you will encounter a people who are very tall, riding on horses". A) Identify one new state that emerged in Europe in the period before 1939.B)Explain a development i, Read the following article and write a Reaction Paper-One paragraph summary and One paragraph opinio, Analyze the events leading to the Texas Revolution and its outcome and discuss whether the Texians w. Explain the consequences the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo had on our local community. He excelled at cadet school and after graduation entered the army as an infantry officer. If you have a model that adequately fits the data, use it to make predictions. However, the consequences will be disastrous for the 5% it misses. What were some similarities between racism in Nazi Germany and in the United States, 1920s-1940s? This is how prediction markets work - by combining many sources of information to provide forecasts that are often more reliable than individual experts. Ludendorff left the Eastern army in place for two reasons: first, because troops were deserting in large numbers as they moved from east to west, and second, because throughout the spring and summer of 1918 Ludendorff continued to pursue megalomaniacal goals in the East that rivaled Hitlers ambitions two decades later. Feature selection is almost the inverse of #2 above, and pulls your model in the opposite direction (decreasing variance on the expense of some bias) but the trade-off can be good if you do the . Cavalry units screened Rennenkampfs First Army, which remained stationary despite having an open road to Knigsberg. Although he later broke with the Nazis, the damage had already been done: Ludendorff had provided an unknown street agitator with considerable political legitimacy. Our experts will gladly share their knowledge and help you with programming projects. Answer (1 of 9): In general economist's predictions are dismaly inaccurate. Most beginners to forecasting are overconfident, which you can combat by reducing your initial gut feeling of confidence (by, say, 5-15%). For example, what historical inquiry, Discuss what responsibilities, if any, citizens should have related to being historically informed. But its more deep-seated than that. By now artillery was the great killer on the Western Front, so Ludendorff concentrated German reserves and defensive positions in rear areas, out of range of all but the heaviest Allied guns. See Clari in action Masters of Revenue: The Importance of Sales Forecasting Accuracy Masters of Revenue: Carl Eschenbach on Sales Forecasting Receive weekly news and trends from ProductCraft. First, it was, in many ways the realization of the idea ofLebensraum that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party would seek to accomplish during World War II. Start with an estimate of average GPA. for any assignment or question with DETAILED EXPLANATIONS! Retrieved September 18, 2015, from, Brock, A. For instance, if you're trying to predict the chance that your friend cancels on you for dinner tonight, you can start by asking "how often does this friend cancel plans?" As the war stretched into 1916, Falkenhayn and the Hindenburg-Ludendorff duo continued to bicker over German strategy. It conquered immense territories including all of Poland and much of Russia. When you have taken this information into account, only then consider the specific evidence from your experience, and use this to adjust your final prediction. 1 How can we make predictions more accurate? Today we are talking about the second ones, which are obviously more interesting from a business perspective. Ludendorff had all of these qualities and was quickly nominated by his superiors for the Kriegsakademie, the elite Prussian military academy from which the Great General Staff was handpicked. In this way, he also sought to avoid his own responsibility for the defeat. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Nobody does, 'cause i-it's just wind. Ask your question! Predicting encourages children to actively think ahead and ask questions. His comment to a senior industrialist in September 1916 sums up his understanding of strategy: The United States does not bother mein the least; I look upon a declaration of war by the United States with indifference. Even more astonishing is that in the fall of 1916 Ludendorff was seriously worried that Holland or Denmark might enter the war on the Allied side. But their predictions could be harmful if they dont strive to consider relevant data and make clear the limits of their ability to predict future events., Jerrie Mock: Record-Breaking American Female Pilot, These 7 Foreigners Helped Win the American Revolution, How Operation Homecoming Was Sprung into Action to Repatriate American POWs. Everything was completed on time and met my expectations. Northeastern researcher helps convert astronauts wastewater into alternative fuel for use in outer space, Spotlight: The National Society of Black Women in Medicine, I really look at Northeastern as a turning point in my life. How a co-op launched Joseph Heyman to NASAs Hall of Honor, Northeastern University College of Science, PlusOne Degree and Accelerated PhD Programs, Institutes, Centers, Faculty Labs & Research. When readers combine these two things, they can make relevant, logical predictions. The Calibrate Your Judgment app helps you learn how to quantify judgments in the form of probabilities, also known as probabilistic forecasting. But thereafter the weight of British artillery coupled with unimaginative German tactics, which demanded that soldiers hold every foot of ground, led to equally heavy casualties among the Germanslosses they could ill afford. To end the strikes, the army drafted obstreperous munitions workers, which only served to further lower morale among the troops. The two hurried east to assume command of the Eighth Army, which the Russians had already badly mauled in a skirmish at Gumbinnen. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Presence of more data results in better and accurate models. Also, k-means is designed for continuous input. As the fighting reached its climax in early June, Russia launched a major offensive against Austria, which promptly collapsed. it is very common that most of the time, the audience predicts the climax by analyzing the characters and plot of the story. This in turn, will allow students to become actively involved in the reading process. Find topics of interest and explore encyclopedia content related to those topics, Find articles, photos, maps, films, and more listed alphabetically, Recommended resources and topics if you have limited time to teach about the Holocaust, Explore the ID Cards to learn more about personal experiences during the Holocaust. I solemnly (predict) that this accursed man will plunge our Reich into the abyss and bring our nation into inconceivable misery." If you devide that range equally the range between 100-87.5% would mean very good, 87.5-75% would mean good, 75-62.5% would mean satisfactory, and 62.5-50% bad. Ludendorff was established in 1945, and still retains some of its old-style buildings. The Germans immediately invaded France, Belgium and Luxembourg. Over time, you can work toward improving your accuracy incrementally in future updates. The. Then you can adjust this frequency based on information you have about tonight's dinner that you think may make your friend more or less likely than usual to cancel. Pendo trademarks, product names, logos and other marks and designs are trademarks of, Inc. or its subsidiaries and may not be used without permission. As it turns out, it was profitable to increase wages, as. Contact : German: Wie man Erich Ludendorff auf Deutsch ausspricht?Turkish: Erich Ludendorff Almanca dilinde nasl okunurBosnian: K. 95% of patients do not need to be screened for cancer. Like most of the border towns split between Polish and German ethnicity, Kruszewnia was a hotbed of Prusso-German nationalism. Nostradamus is said to have predicted when he would die. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. We also recommend checking out AI Impacts excellent blog post on this topic and Philip Tetlock's book. Sriram Parthasarathy is the vice president and CPO of MetiStream. On December 1, the German army published The Principles of Command in the Defensive Battle in Position Warfare. Research the subject-area so you can build on the work of others. Expressing their uncertainty about a particular issue would be appropriate, but doesnt make for good TV. Similar to competitive insights, macro and market data can help you fine tune your forecast. Chief of the General Staff Helmuth von Moltke promptly fired Prittwitz, replacing him with retired General Paul von Hindenburg. With an investment of as little as N500 on games, you have access to, you can reap winnings reaching 5 figures. When making predictions, students envision what will come next in the text, based on their prior knowledge. It also allows students to understand the story better, make connections to what they are reading, and interact with the text. On July 1, the first day of battle, they took a disastrous 60,000 casualties. So, the overall accuracy is 93%. Predictions About the Future Facts 42. The Largest Community of Product People Online. They approached us with the idea for creating the Calibrate Your Judgment web app. based on your knowledge of the game.Thereafter, shortlist the 5 best matches scheduled for the week. Lets continue with our medical example. 2. Most predictions are made in non-scientific fields. If the meteorologist is accurate, it should have in fact rained 30% of those times. Erich Ludendorff was a German general who gained renown during the First World War, primarily for his efforts on the eastern front. Or, if you are predicting the range of a value, such as a range of heights that you're 90% confident the height of Mount Everest falls within, you can make your range a bit bigger than your intuition suggests. Check one reason.-People do not have the knowledge to accurately predict what will happen.-People's imaginations are more powerful than scientific realities.-People imagine future technologies based on the technold ey currently have. 7. Ludendorff was later to describe August 8 as the black day of the German army. Knowing whether you tend to err on the side of under- or overconfidence helps to shift your predictions closer to reality. For example, you might sample the data to balance it. The result, particularly the sinking of RMS Lusitania on May 7, had pushed America to the brink of war. PredictionBook is another tool that's great for tracking real life predictions that you may want to check out! Nostradamus was a physician before he was a prophet. On the contrary, he was one of World War Is most able generals, among the few who recognized that Western Front battlefield tactics would require a fundamental rethinking, especially with regard to combat leadership. But Ludendorff excelled precisely in those tactical and technical areas, and he soon became a junior member of the Great General Staff, as well as one of Alfred Graf von Schlieffens most trusted staff officers. They can also help students successfully make predictions about informational text by ensuring that students have sufficient background knowledge before beginning to read the text. Lets illustrate this with a theoretical situation. Your predictive model tells you that M, W, X, and Y will fail. Weather forecasting is often considered the gold standard of prediction, because meteorologists receive so much corrective feedback, enabling them to constantly rework their algorithms. Its tempting to base your prediction on the first intuition that occurs to you. Most learners in Stage 2 will be able to say whether what happened was what they expected to happen, or not, at the end of an enquiry. Meanwhile, the Eighth Army used the rail system to rapidly redeploy south and west. Ludendorff had been responsible for fine-tuning the Schlieffen Plan and as a consequence of this, he was responsible for attacking a series of forts at Liege in Belgium and capturing them. Dont wait for perfection. For example, if you want to estimate the year. 4) Take the outside view, then the inside view. Ludendorff was no longer sympathetic to the Nazi Party. Specify and assess your regression model. The support of a figure of Ludendorffs prominence was important to the Nazi cause. - I do not believe that With imbalanced data like this, we need to look at potential fixes. I attached the greatest importance to verbal discussion and gathering direct impression on the spot, he later noted in his memoirs. 2023, Inc. All rights reserved. Nostradamus supposedly predicted the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Erich Ludendorff was born in 1865 in East Prussia (now part of Poland) into a formerly aristocratic family who had fallen onto hard times. And they were to play a major role in German defensive successes on the Western Front in 1917: first, in defeating the Nivelle Offensive in April, nearly breaking the French army in the process; and second, in thwarting Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haigs heavy-handed offensive at Passchendaele, Belgium, in late summer and fall. Making predictions is a strategy in reading comprehension, involving the use of information from a reading selection to determine upcoming events. Picture walks can serve as a tool to organize information within a story, which can also increase a childs comprehension. This technique is similar to ", One of the easiest ways to consider alternatives is to ask yourself, what are some reasons my judgment might be wrong? Tetlock calls this dragonfly eye perspective - valuing diverse views and combining them with your own perspective. What are some of the keys to making accurate predictions? is brought to you by HistoryNet LLC, the worlds largest publisher of history magazines. The odds of being 100 percent accurate are extraordinarily low. We could stand that, but the question how this, and the progressive falling off of our fighting power of which it was symptomatic, was to be prevented was of immense importance. In the midst of the heavy fighting, Ludendorff led a small group of Germans to the citadel at the heart of Lige, literally knocked on the front door and demanded the surrender of its garrison. So Moltke brought in Ludendorff, brilliant and already a war hero, to be Hindenburgs chief of staff. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Lets take a healthcare example to predict if a patient needs to be screened for cancer. In late July 1914, the simmering European crisis over the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, exploded into war. Missing values can create a problem while building a predictive model.This is because we dont analyze the . The opinion on Clausewitz in our General Staff was that of a theoretician to be read by professors. Teachers should make sure to include time for instruction, modeling, and practice as students read informational text. Half a million troops ultimately deserted, and the rear area gave out. As Ludendorff rolled forward through complex firefights, he was probably also involved in a number of atrocities, in which German troops shot Belgian civilians (upward of 6,000 by the end of September) in retaliation for the supposed activities of guerrilla fighters known as Franc-tireurs. Weather forecasting is often considered the gold standard of prediction, because meteorologists receive so much corrective feedback, enabling them to constantly rework their algorithms. The aim of the web app is to help you become well-calibrated. This means that when you say youre 50% confident, youre right about 50% of the time; when you say you're 90% confident, you're right about 90% of the time; and so on. Without doubt it fought too doggedly, clinging too resolutely to the mere holding of ground, with the result that the losses were heavy. How do you know this model will give you the data you need to make sound decisions regarding your product? To make matters worse, General Maximilian the Fat Soldier von Prittwitz had panicked and recommended that his Eighth Army abandon East Prussia and retire to Pomerania. It blows all over the place!" We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. Nevertheless, the confrontation proved one of Ludendorffs finest hours, as the Ninth Army bought the Austrians enough time to recover and patch together a front. Explain why Mexico opened its border to Anglo migration to Coahuila y Tejas and how those events eve, Relate the reasons and methods used in the relocation of Indians to the West side of the Mississippi. You can use this technique to approach questions like when will Donald Trump leave presidential office? 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how do you think ludendorff made such an accurate prediction