repeating kindergarten for immaturity

Now school is over and although his teacher told me throughout the semester that he will most likely be repeating kindergarten, the school promoted him to fist grade. Repeating a grade at this age can sometimes be beneficial. She has been a regular education classroom teacher, a consultant teacher/resource teacher, an educational evaluator/diagnostician, and has also taught graduate students at the university level. I will do what I need to do. Q. . . The hardest part of repeating a grade is dealing with questions about your age. My kindergarteners are required to be able to read a level C book to move on to first grade. The decision to hold a child backoften called " red-shirting . As a result, the repeating-kindergarten phenomenon has become relatively commonplace. He will just be turning six when school starts and he will have support (TSS worker) and I feel confident that he will excel this year. Hes always been a very busy boy. In the end, it's impossible to predict how any individual will respond to staying back or moving on -- or even how much progress that child will make in the last months of school or over the summer. My son, whose birthday is in September, has ADHD and started Adderall before school ended. Anyone have their child repeat kindergarten & regret it? The final decision about retention at the kindergarten level is usually up to the parents, but check the policy of your school district. Many of them suggest parents seek independent evaluation for specific developmental delays and then, if the results warrant it, spend time in occupational therapy over the summer to try to catch up. Read David Elkinds Miseducation and look up the High Scope program. He's doing so much better. For more than 20 years, Eileen Marzola has worked with children and adults with learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders, and with their parents and teachers. I cannot emphasize enough for little the child will care. At first he loved reading our books and felt very important that he could read, but since January that has become a fight to get him to read. The teachers have not been taught what dyslexia is and IS NOT. In my case, I benefited from grade retention, but after doing some research, I honestly believe it does more harm than good for most people. Ask about any additional services the school can provide and what you can do at home to help. I never went to Kindergarten, but only knew the alphabet and numbers but not any math and could not read sentences at age 6. etc. And the social stigma of being held back can have a major impact on a child's attitude. Emotional. He cries often, and doesnt follow directions very well, but loves to look at picture books and make up funny rhymes. I have never had such a tough time with something. And if the issue is counting and numbers, or poor early reading skills, perhaps giving a child more time to learn numbers and letters; to hear stories read; and play with making rhymes, is indicated. I bought ABC Mouse and downloaded many helpful learning programs. I may just decide to revisit the topic and include the study in my piece. Every week! They want him to repeat kindergarten. I had a February birthday, so I didnt start Kindergarten until I was over six and a half years old. She's been a teacher for over 20 years, and says she . It can feel like an insult: like your child isnt smart. You're right that normally repeating the grade is not helpful. Should I trust the professionals or my instincts. To reading. He even went to half days because they said he cant handle a full day. I feel that not only with his issues but that Covid gave us a perfect chance to mulligan the previous year. Anxiety and shyness are surprisingly common in kids. Time to catch up developmentally. Before that time, the tests measured the achievement of individual students, and good teachers used the data to plan lessons to reinforce weaker areas. For some children, a bridge class between kindergarten and first grade offers time to grow. Helped build confidence. Shes says thats whats holding him back the fact hes not writing like he should. Your child is young for the grade, however, and repeating might give him more even footing with the other children in kindergarten. They did some testing prior to the start of the Here are some common examples of immature behavior that you might see: Some kids seem to act young all the time. The child is not repeating kindergarten. He is doing wonderful in all other subjects 100s and smiley faces on his work. Things we knew he concretely understood never translated in class. Posted on 1/25/23 at 9:54 pm to WhoDatKrewe. I taught gifted children in my career as a teacher who were held back in kindergarten by demanding and close minded teachers and parents. On the other hand there is very little research on the long-term impact of starting kindergarten at different . I'm looking for advice/experience in having a child repeat a grade. What can cause kids to seem immature. And 4th we have our 5 year son who has ADHD and maybe ODD. It would be nice to have a study to prove this one way or the other. From old progress reports, it appears the emotional immaturity stemmed from not consistently staying on task and randomly talking out of turn. He developed stomach aches all the time, even on weekends, which threw us off. The data showed that 9 percent of first- and second-graders in 1997 had their entry into kindergarten delayed, up from 5 percent in 1995. As a speech language pathologist, I . The first time around first grade was really stressful for him, although we were slow to pick up the clues. The study of 784 Texas school children followed from first grade until graduating or dropping out of school led by Dr. Jan N. Hughes, Professor Emeritus in educational psychology, found that even though grade retention in the elementary grades does not harm students in terms of their academic achievement or educational motivation at the transition to high school, it increases the odds that they will drop out of school before obtaining a high school diploma by 2.67 times. Some children would benefit from repeating kindergarten. I had 2 children held back and come to find out BOTH have dyslexia. Kids who are already the oldest in their grade will be almost two years older than the rest of the class. We sent him to Kindergarten, which was against what his preschool teacher recommended. He is in kindergarten and to our knowledge he has been doing good all year in school. And the question of benefit vs. detriment can be a more difficult one to answer. He cannot follow directions consistently enough and other kids are not being nice to him because he is more immature. The work done at home, or not done at home, will place all children behind where they would have been socially and academically. He has a summer birthday (so he is youngest in his kinder class). Others may show immature behavior in certain settings or at certain times. Repeating a grade at this age can indeed be beneficial. A native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Varda is the mother of 12 children and is also a grandmother of 12. It remains true that the process of learning to readshould be complete by the end of third grade. There are lots of reasons kids might seem immature for their grade. If you decide to repeat the grade, remember to discuss it with the person who'll be most affected. Marzola is an adjunct assistant professor of education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and Hunter College of the City University of New York. As she teaches she "shoots" for the middle and hopes to draw in as many low and as many high students as she can. According to his teacher they wont hold them back until 3d grade! He puts together over 50 pieces puzzles by himself. I am NOT allowing this at all ! Students are required to not only know ALL letters and sounds but all sight words by mid year. They do testing of 4 parts. Is he flexible? - My son will be the last to learn how to drive. Was my bright little boy going to flunk kindergarten, I wondered, because he didn't care about arts and crafts? But all are given time to find their feet in school, and time to succeed. 6. The research is very clear that even if children are not ready academically or emotionally they do not benefit from retention. Q: Even though he had an early-August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten this past fall at a private Christian school. We missed the registration for pre-k by a week. The pros of repeating the prep year of school. School will respect our decision at the end of the day, but I honestly did not realize we would feel this much lack of support. Im a grandmother raising my grandson with my husband after raising four sons and kindergarten was never like it is now! Children with personal problems can't focus on school. Get that out of your head immediately. What I have experienced is that the homework is the only thing my kids learn from. Ive asked multiple times to please send books home so I could help him with reading to give him the confidence he once had back, up Ive been denied every time with the excuse that he first needed to demonstrate his reading at schoolI even know their strategy that was confirmed by the teacher and still only a very few books sent home. (June 7, 2012), Mlyniec, Vicky. Hi, So finally did you decide on this? My husband and I knew she wasnt doing well with reading so we recently enrolled her into the Sylvan Learning center. I have read all the comments you made about holding a kindergarten back. At this stage, children have passed through toddlerhood and are more mature, socially aware, and willing to interact with peers. My parents told me that I would be repeating and moved me to a different school and that it was to give me extra help. We asked our children several of the same questions, because my friend thinks my son is smarter than her daughter. Your gut reaction may be to defend your child. Because children develop at such different rates and the kindergarten age span can run from 4 to 6, there is a tremendous range in social, physical and cognitive development. But sometimes immature behavior is a sign that kids are struggling and need more support. I did not know these words at 6, nor could I build and create what he does without my help. Share what you observe with others, like parents, caregivers, teachers, or health care providers. Studies have shown that by the time they enter middle school, kids who repeated kindergarten are more likely to get into trouble, dislike school, and feel bad about themselves. We were told today that we should leave her back because she isnt progressing at the pace of other Kindergartners. "Should Your Child Repeat Kindergarten?" They seem to retain NOTHING from the entire day at school! So in the middle of this chaos comes Covid-19 shutting the school down on March 18th in our state. Immature behavior can look different in different kids. He struggles with staying still. By the time children are of school-age, their rate of infection is usually the same as the rate for . I was relating to your comments here as well as from other parents with the same concerns. That way youll know for sure, from an expert, if your child has a learning disability of some sort, such as ADHD, which could make it hard to sit still, or dysgraphia, which can make it difficult to write. There are certain basic skills that all children should have going into first grade, no matter where they live. Time to catch up academically. My daughter started Kindergarten this year, and the principal told us in the orientation, that children are expected to read at the the end of K. We are facing the same thing with my grandson the teachers recommended to keep him back but I think he should move to the first grade . My son turned 5 a week before the deadline. Few of them will be deeply affected by (or even remember later on) repeating kindergarten. He is on an IEP for behavior and we have seen great improvement. These same problems are an issue when repeating any grade; but regarding such an early grade as kindergarten, some people question whether the potential benefits can outweigh the potential drawbacks. - My son will graduate high school and only be 17 years old. She is such an amazing little person. Holding back in failure of an entire school year that soon cannot be explained well or documented. You need to reassess. The truth is, development among kindergarten-age children varies tremendously. Does he try to tell the story by looking at the pictures? Think about your child's emotional readiness. Joined Jan 19, 2002. We both went on to finish college. Instead, we got him the occupational therapy that was recommended, and he went on to have a great year in first grade. I believe with a one on one tutor for the summer it will help him perform better in the first grade. Im having the opposite problem. Grade retention has a negative impact on all areas of a child's achievement (reading, math, and language) and socio-emotional adjustment (peer relationships, self-esteem, problem behaviors and attendance). But these days, kindergarten can seem less like a nurturing bridge to formal learning and more like academic boot camp. There is something schools could do, though you are more likely to find a willingness to do it in a private or parochial school. If starting school is postponed for boys with birthdays after, say, June 1, "immature" boys suddenly become those with birthdays after March 1. Julie Rawe is the special projects editor at Understood. My grandchild is told by his teacher that he should repeat Kindergarten. Have you thought about holding your child back from first grade? In most areas, children must turn 5 by September 1st, in order to start kindergarten. Sensory issues: Some kids react strongly to sensory information and may get overwhelmed by things like bright lights. This makes it difficult to get a sample group of very young students with diagnosed learning disabilities we can study. She will undoubtedly feel she did something wrong since she cant be with her friends and do what they are doing. I am also currently looking into private tutor for my A resource class 1 - 2 hours a day might be helpful and better than retention. Instead, I found myself teetering on a tiny chair while the teacher warned me that Sammy might have to repeat the year. My 5 year old has math, reading, and spelling homework now. Here are more reasons kids may seem younger than other kids their age: Hyperactivity: Does the child seem to be driven by a motor, like the Energizer Bunny? You can point out how their words or actions made you feel and ask them to be more sensitive in the future . There might be an illness or divorce in the family. The recommendation to repeat the year is not a comment on your child's intelligence; it's a comment on your child's maturity. Another factor to consider is whether your child is as emotionally developed as his or her peers. His teacher is very, very strongly recommending we hold him back. We found we had good results at home. What if I want my child to repeat kindergarten but the school wont allow it because of the mo child left behind? Although this article is well written and touches on plenty of other skills students need to go into first grade, it fails to mention they need to be reading, fluently adding and subtracting, and do more than just hold their pencil correctly. Praying my daughter will make the right decision. Can he paste? . He where he should be academically. By the end of the year they know the alphabet and can read and write simple sentences. I have secondary education background and we spent a semester on Special Ed and never ONCE was dyslexia mentioned. Q Even though he had an early August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten at a private Christian school. After that, we both went to a public high school and graduated at 19 years old in June 2006. Constantly. Faced with this revelation, it can seem someone is questioning your child's mental acuity. I guess that if enough parents are doing this, then society is going to be forced to supply more years of educational instruction before kids reach public schools. His kindergarten teacher wants to keep him back next year. It doesnt sound right to me. In our case, we're considering whether to have our son repeat first grade. Copyright 2014-2023 Understood For All Inc. developmental milestones at different ages, Annoying other kids by talking too much or barging in on their games, Overreacting to what seem like minor things and taking a long time to calm down, Clinging and not wanting to be apart from you, Having to be told the same rule over and over again, like Its not OK to climb on that furniture, Struggling with bathroom issues, like bedwettingor being afraid to poop, Being overly sensitive to things like loud noises or the way clothes feel, Using baby talk or speaking in ways that are hard to understand, Having trouble with things like putting on a coat or gripping a pencil. Hes on the low end of the spectrum. While your child's teacher may make the suggestion that your child repeat kindergarten, it's up to you, the parent, to make the final decision. Connecticut, one of the last states to allow 4-year-olds to enter kindergarten, is considering changing its rules so that children would have to be 5 by Oct. 1, not Jan. 1, prompting a fight over . Through the year he attended, we had several conferences to discuss his progress. As a teacher, I have seen many students struggle as they are younger and immature compared to their cohort. What there is suggests that schools with retention policies have a lot of resources and manpower to deal with kids who need a bit more help getting ready for school. Still, finding out the teacher thinks your child should be "held back" can be jarring and, for many parents, upsetting. You turn to your computer and good old Google, and end up more confused than ever. Me and his dad are leaning towards repeating. Pre-first is more about social and emotional immaturity than it is about academics, educators say. It's also important to explain the plan to your child in a positive way, because your attitude will influence his. They need specific intervention. Was he uninterested or just bored? Well email you our most helpful stories and resources. 15 June 2012. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: Blend Images/Ariel Skelley/the Agency Collection/. 7. I would love to get your opinion concerning my 5 year old grandson. New research suggests repeating elementary school grades even kindergarten is harmful. The real question of course is: should you do it? Like many parents, I hadn't realized that success in kindergarten depends on many factors, not just intellectual ability. Your grandson sounds like mine : very smart, maybe just a bit slower in maturity, but just waiting to really take off a bit later but not lagging because of IQ or skill performance probability in a very short while. Hes also on an IEP since the beginning of the year. The health and medical related resources on this website are provided solely for informational and educational purposes and are not a substitute for a professional diagnosis or for medical or professional advice. My frustration is with the teacher and her seeming intent in holding my little guy back for whatever reason by not supplying the tools necessary to help him be successful in kindergarten. Oh my goodness, yes! Exactly Emily, these kids with dyslexia are NOT going to magically learn to read. So I can see this both ways. You can hire an education lawyer. Is he good at sharing? Grade Learn how to spot itand how to protect children of all ages from bullies at school. Was it the finger painting that did her in, or was it story time? Then, for a few years, I taught in a school for behaviorally disordered children. Rather, it's about an overall picture of a child who may be too "young" -- physically, cognitively, socially or some combination thereof -- to thrive in first grade. Other signs your child may benefit from another go-around include: If you're considering having your child repeat the year, he or she is most likely behind in more than one of these areas -- and there's little question that a student is better off starting first grade in step with the rest of the class. I know it would hurt, but could it also help? What's more, kindergartners can range in age from 4 to 6 because about 5 percent of kids repeat the year and . Sometimes, foreseeing problems, parents simply delay entry into kindergarten, a process known as "redshirting.". Using a tool called the Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale, Jones measured each child's general satisfaction with life as adolescents. They expect them to know all upper & lower case letters and sounds by November or they are considered behind. Language: Does the child have trouble pronouncing words or expressing ideas? Second do you have any suggestions on how to teach him to blend sounds into words? Anyone that can offer advise Id appreciate it. If it doesnt work out, youll worry about it when the time comes. And while its bad, no point crying over spilled milk. They can . ADHD is not a learning disability. Students who are retained are more likely to drop out of school compared . When a teacher or other education expert recommends repeating kindergarten, it's seldom (if ever) about a single skill your child is behind on. My son did not turn the required age of 5 here in TN until May 2014. Not kind of reading but really reading. For more parenting tips and tricks, find us on Pinterest: Are you a writer, expert, or influencer? Varda Meyers Epstein serves as editor in chief of Kars4Kids Parenting. Talk to your child's teacher about whether repeating a grade would be helpful or hurtful at your child's age. What could really be wrong about giving kids another year in kindergarten to let their social emotional skills mature? End of February 2018 i am in my sons class room speakin with his teacher bout his academics and as she informs me he has reading problems along with speech problems and now all of a sudden needs little more assistance so i explained that i want him to be in a reading/speech class to help keep him on track(my oldest son goes for speech and ready every week) and if she can send home words and reading material he needs more help with to go over each day at home, waiting and calling and writing comments in his planner on where the work is he needs little more improvement with is at doesnt show up home until the last month of school where then same day i get work of his i get a call from his teacher.she goes on about how hes doin wonderful and all of a sudden she says due to his speech difficulty which effects his reading and reading issues she wants to hold him back in same grade! 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repeating kindergarten for immaturity