in the age of ai reflection paper

In 2013, DeepMind scientists set a machine learning program on the Atari video game Breakout. And what they do is they sell a dam, sell some other stuff and they say, "By the way, we can give you these camera systems for your emergency response. Our inclusion criteria were as follows: (a) empirical studies on AI in pre-service and in-service teacher education and on in-service teachers' use of AI; (b) studies on AI applications and algorithms (e.g., personal tutors, automated scoring, personal assistant; decision . After 500 games, it came up with a creative way to win the game: by digging a tunnel on the side and sending the ball around the top to break many bricks with one hit. Its a path set by a CEO with an unusual CV. Megvii was started by three young graduates in 2011; its now a world leader in using AI to identify people. Don't give too much information in the reflective essay thesis statement as you will expand on it later. This study provided a content analysis of studies aiming to disclose how artificial intelligence (AI) has been applied to the education sector and explore the potential research trends and challenges of AI in education. It's going to create all kinds of benefits in ways large and small, and challenges for us as well. You can just go through field after field after field. Well, it's in health care; it's in education; it's in criminal justice; its in the experience of shopping as you walk down the street. And that's something we thought could not coexist. So instead of using human capacity to recognize pattern, formalize pattern, which is inherently limited by our cognitive capacity and how much we can see and remember, we're providing machine with a lot of data and make it learn this prediction. AI pioneer Yoshua Bengio also has concerns about how his algorithms are being used. And thats what I do every day; I live by that creed, and I've lived by that since it was told to me. Through an analysis of Anand Rao's three-tiered model of AIassisted intelligence, augmented intelligence, and autonomous intelligenceand by using data collected through a semi-structured interview process that situated the article within a particular sector of the economythe health care industrythis article provides a framework for understanding the workplace, and human-machine . Reflection Paper on Artificial Intelligence. It comes up with moves that humans hadn't thought of before. China is on its way to building a total surveillance state. Be honest with your response and be confident that through this, you will grow as an individual. Three years earlier, the man's son had found himself on the side of the road with a . Launched in 2013, it started along the old Silk Road out of Xinjiang and now goes far beyond; its called the Belt and Road Initiative. Mactaggart started a signature drive for a California ballot initiative for a law to give consumers control of their digital data. Is your voice a little wobbly? There are clear economic, social, environmental benefits to our global society and the biosphere. They're at higher risk for cardiovascular disease; they're at higher risk for depression and suicide. And we don't know how AI will change the labor force, but it will be OK. He's, "No way will they ever have a truck that can drive itself.". Journal Reflection #2: Insights into your first ML project . Although critical reflection is widely recognised as a crucial element in individual and organisational learning, not, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. AI really is the ultimate tool of wealth creation. The AI giants want to paint a rosier picture because they're happily making money, so I think they prefer not to talk about the negative side. Others see a future that rewards party loyalty and silences criticism. There are still plenty of factories in America. Like most people, Alastair Mactaggart had no idea about this new surveillance business. It justthe numbers don't change very much. What machine can do, it can take hundreds of thousands of images where the outcome is known and learn, based on how pixels are distributed, what are the very unique patterns that correlate highly with future occurrence of the disease. I think we put two unicorns to show $5 billion or higher. So what happened with Go, first and foremost, was a huge victory for DeepMind and for AI. A thesis statement is a 1-2 sentence statement that describes what your essay is all about. And what worries me the most is that there is actually one episode that looks quite familiar to today, which is the British Industrial Revolution, where wages didn't grow for nine decades and a lot of people actually saw living standards decline as technology progressed. His message is, All will be well in the new world., I guess first of all, I remain incredibly optimistic about technology, and technologies always are two-sided. Africa's been a huge place. We don't want it moving to China, to Mexico, to Japan, to India, to Vietnam. One was, "Oh, my goodness. Is he, [Laughs] So, kind of. I would say these few thousand Chinese top entrepreneurs, they could take on any entrepreneur anywhere in the world. What happened was they decided to turn to those data logs in a systematic way and to begin to use these surplus data as a way to come up with fine-grained predictions of what a user would click onwhat kind of ad a user would click on. TRW plant; that was unfortunate when that went down. He says he believes that the two AI superpowers should lead the way and work together to make AI a force for good. Artificial Intelligence, for example, is the simulation of human intelligence by machines. Mr. Secretary, please call the roll. Until now. She was used to asking questions. Googles AlphaGo was a computer program that, starting with the rules of Go and a database of historical games, had been designed to teach itself. Tell students you are aware that they might get help to improve their writing via ChatGPT, Grammarly, online tutoring, in-person tutors, and other programs. Right from the start, the founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, they had been very public about their antipathy toward advertising. For a very long time, we have felt like, as humans, as Americans, we have full agency in determining our own futures. I have enough money in my checking account at all times to pay a month's worth of bills. Can A.I. The car is driving itself. We've started to see it already in terms of surveillance systems. FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational Foundation. We actually know that people are at greater risk of mortality for over 20 years after they lose their job due to no fault of their own, so something like automation or offshoring. Are you sneezing while you're talking? In 2018, many of the people who invented it gathered in San Francisco to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the industry magazine. With the help of our article, you can write this piece only in 4 steps. It's pretty fast. So those are standard prediction problems in machine learning; there is nothing special about them. I don't think we can play with those possibilities and just race ahead without thinking about the potential outcomes. "In the Age of AI." To watch this documentary, visit this link: PBS Frontline: In the Age of AI. Some say its very popular with a Chinese public that wants to punish bad behavior. It was really, in some ways, old-school, first-wave data science. And then the question is, "What on earth happened to cause that change?". It's a little bit like the physicists around the Second World War who rose up to tell the governments, "Wait, nuclear power can be dangerous, and nuclear war can be really, really destructive." Something equally interesting is happening right now. So I was blown away. I'm going to be quite honest with you: I worry about the future of not just this country, but the entire globe. And that part of our knowledge is actually probably the majority of it. We have to recognize that we gave technology a place in our lives that it had not earned; that essentially, because technology always made things better in the '50s, '60s, '70s, '80s and '90s, we developed a sense of inevitability that we'll always make things better. So effectively what the Belt and Road is, is China's attempt to, via spending and investment, project its influence all over the world. Shoshana Zuboff is a Harvard Business School professor emerita. By my estimate, I think we're in the range of 300,000 or so jobs in the foreseeable future that could be automated to some significant extent. In the institutions of learning, a subject is given for you to write. The stuff we can communicate verbally is the tip of the iceberg. What does it mean to be human in the age of technology? Casper, paste. And the transformation where they now think they're diverging. So 0.1 second that we will be able to recognize you, even on a mobile device. Don't go off on tangents. And inside Google they started seeing these revenues pile up at a startling rate. At a college in Goshen, Indiana, a group of local business and political leaders come together to try to understand the impact of AI and the new machines. They didn't want anyone to know how much money they were making or how they were making it. and Kai-Fu Lee, the inventor of Apple's speech-recognition technology. Believe it or not, I do it because I love it. The tech companies had been publicly cautious but privately alarmed about regulation. It's probably unfathomable to an American how a country can dramatically evolve itself from a copycat laggard to all of a sudden to nearly as good as the U.S. in technology. Not only that, the Chinese government has been promoting its methods, its technology, it isto other countriesnamely Pakistan, Venezuela, Sudan and othersto utilize to squelch political resentment or prevent a political upheaval in their various societies. We're talking less than half a decade. And yes, it was watched by tens of millions of people. And it'll cost you $300 million and we'll build a ton of cameras and we'll build you a main center where you have police who can watch these cameras.". Once in love with e-commerce, Wall Street has turned its back on the dot-coms. Which means that maybe we have some kind of new, weird, seemingly implausible solution to climate change. You guys are just amazing. This is an early demonstration. It really brings a lot of anxiety, and you're asking the questions, "Am I gonna survive? It took nearly 10,000 years to go from writing to printing press but only about 500 more to get e-mail. Why are they doing that? They're mostly very younger people, so that this clearly is technology which is being generated by a whole new generation. We're gonna have labor force disruption like we've never seen before. Just imagine, while youre on your way to work, police subject you to scan your ID; forcing you to lift your chin while machines take your photo and you wait to find out if you can go. I mean, that's going to go a long ways, right? So a big part of it is government spending, and so the technology's really taken off, and a lot of companies have started to sort of glom onto this idea that this is the future. Googles stock was now as valuable as General Motors. It . And every sliver of information is valuable. AlphaGo Technology - 90 min - 8.65 Go is considered the most challenging board game ever. This shows a progression of a small, small spot from one year to the next and then to the diagnosis of the small cancer here. I mean, like, whensorry. So how many people are still working as switchboard operators? On November 5, 2019, PBS/Frontline aired In the Age of AI : "FRONTLINE investigates the promise and perils of artificial intelligence, from fears about work and privacy to rivalry between the U . But I could list seven or eight that would lead to a very clear displacement of human jobs. Commercial goods are being driven from California to Arizona on Interstate 10. In this state of emergency, the founders decided, We've simply got to find a way to save this company. And so the kinds of behavior that's now being monitoredyou know, which language do you speak at home, whether you're talking to your relatives in other countries, how often you praythat information is now being Hoovered up and used to decide whether people should be subjected to political reeducation in these camps. The great compliment a geek gives another one is "Wow, I wish I had drawn that graph." And the answer is the Industrial Revolution. When it started it was very much a magazine about what's coming and why you should be excited about it. He would move on to Microsoft Research in Asia and became the head of Google China. The world needs Huawei because we are more advanced. I think the Trump vote was a protest. AI HLEG, 2019, "High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence: Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI", European Commission, accessed: 9 April 2019. Automations is definitely taking away a lot of jobs. Of course! A future made and embraced by a new generation. Yeah, our job is finished. In this essay, you get a chance to write your point of viewand best of all, there is . Then came the dot-com crash of the early 2000s. So HuaweiRen Zhengfei, the head of Huawei, he can say, "Well, we're just a private company and we justwe don't take orders from the Communist Party." What of my personal information do you have?" Like our directorwhat hes wearing and a good guess at his age, missing it by only a few months. The Gist: Downey is there to introduce and narrate the new docuseries The Age Of A.I., which is presented under YouTube's Learning banner. He says the sales pitch is straightforward. Yes. [Crying]. So it studies games that humans have played, it knows the rules and then it comes up with creative moves. As we all know that Artificial Intelligence is the highest invention and biggest achievement of a human from time to time, before and then. The more things we build successfully, the less people ask questions about how old you are when you have working trucks. The CEO shows us how quickly you can get a loan. Is it possible, with more elegant computer applications, that we might have identified this spot the year before, or even back here? You see it in Cambodia; you see it in Ecuador; you see it in Venezuela. . And I thought it was gonna be one of those conversations, like withif you ever ask an airline pilot, "Should I be worried about flying?" But that means taking on the worlds most innovative AI culture. And this is what hes built. On an interstate in the U.S. Southwest, artificial intelligence is at work solving the problem thats become emblematic of the new age: replacing a human driver. China has a lot more users than any other countrythree to four times more than the U.S. I'm hoping that my concerns are not founded, but the stakes are so high that I don't think we should take these concerns lightly. And today the equivalent of a physicist of the '40s and '50s and '60s are the computer scientists who are doing machine learning and AI. Questions for Discussion. Now, dealing with that challenge, and figuring out what the next generation of the American middle class should be doing, is a really important challenge, because I'm pretty confident that we are never again going to have this large, stable, prosperous middle class doing routine work. ALASTAIR MACTAGGART, Founder, Californians for Consumer Privacy: I had a conversation with a fellow, who's an engineer, and I was just talking to him one night at dinner, at a cocktail party. And it was only when Google went public in 2004 that the numbers were released. And access to all that data means that the deep learning algorithm can quickly predict behaviorlike the creditworthiness of someone wanting a short-term loan. Produced by: Neil Docherty. Jobs go away. A reflection paper. He laughed so hard. Imagine if the. The engineers are confident that, in spite of questions about when this will happen, they can get it working safely sooner than most people realize. But it turns out most of the job loss isnt because of offshoring. I remember being fascinated by how the device knew where our car was at all times. [Speaking Chinese] As we often say in China, the beginning is the most difficult part. Pharmaceuticals, even food products, all of these industries are better because the public has confidence in the products, in part because of a mixture of responsible companies and responsible regulation. You see another cuttinganother cutting in. We are a manufacturing powerhouse, but if you go walk around an American factory, you do not see long lines of people doing repetitive manual labor. Start with a strong introduction, develop the main body, and end with conclusions. It was a day I will never forget. How the AI algorithms are ushering in a new age of great potential and prosperity. And my granddaddy told me a long time ago, when I was probably 11, 12 years old, probably, he said, "The world meets nobody halfway. A lot of people told us we wouldn't be able to build it. A lot of people don't know this, but it's remarkably hard for computers, until very, very recently, to do even the most basic visual tasks, like seeing a picture of a person and knowing that it's a person. The complete book, Guide to Deep Learning Basics , provides more in-depth material about the philosophy of artificial intelligence. Private, human experience is claimed as a free source of raw material, fabricated into predictions of human behavior. The need is so great. The first step in writing a reflective essay is coming up with the topic you want to write on. JERRY KAPLAN, Computer scientist and entrepreneur: Today, there are many people who are ringing the alarm"Oh, my god, what are we going to do? 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in the age of ai reflection paper